The Book Of Upside Down Thinking : a magical & unexpected collection by poet Brian Patten
by Patten, Brian
Poetry by individual poets
Published 09/05/2018 by FROM YOU TO ME in the United Kingdom.
Hardback | 96 pages, colour,
158 x 157 x 14mm | 246gThe Book Of Upside Down Thinking, by the famed Liverpool poet Brian Patten, is a magical collection of verse written in Morocco and inspired by traditional folk-tales and stories from the Near and Middle East, many dating back as far as the eleventh century. This beautifully designed collection features colourful hand-drawn tile illustrations alongside Brian's original poems, which show the world from a different, and unexpected, perspective. The Book Of Upside Down Thinking is published fifty years after the anniversary of the publication in 1967 of `The Mersey Sound', the ground-breaking poetry collection co-written with fellow-Liverpudlians, Roger McGough and the late Adrian Henri. Witty, contemporary and written in accessible language, the collection transformed the landscape of British poetry. With many award-winning poetry and children's books published since, Brian is set to turn our thinking on its head once more in The Book of Upside Down Thinking.
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