Reconstruction : How to Rebuild Your Body, Mind and Life After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
by Dean, Rosamund
Published 25/05/2023 by HarperCollins Publishers (Thorsons) in the United Kingdom.
Paperback | 352 pages
153 x 234 x 28mm | 436gThe complete guide to what to expect when you're expecting the worst.
Reconstruction is a pragmatic but positive handbook for anyone navigating a diagnosis of primary breast cancer. It contains clear, useful advice on what to do and what to expect at all stages of treatment, from questions to ask your doctors and practical ways to reduce your risk of recurrence, right down to what to pack in your hospital bag.
Written by journalist and breast cancer patient, Rosamund Dean, this reassuring guide combines the most up-to-date therapeutic information from a variety of medical experts with evidence-based lifestyle advice, and will help every patient to live well during treatment and beyond.
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